Ever heard of Cicada 3301? It's one of those mysterious puzzles that made every crypto enthusiast around the globe turn into super sleuths hunting for clues and chasing the next puzzle. I was quite interested in it after watching this series of documentaries titled Cracking the Code of Cicada 3301 that shot by Great Big Story, which made my interest towards my cryptography grow larger.

Although, I never tried this series of puzzles myself, the actual host of this puzzle is unknown as some claimed that it could be a recruitment programme by the FBI/CIA/NSA/GCHQ to hire super smart individuals or maybe some crypto/security group that cares about data privacy and security.

I remember watching this series back in 2020 and it was quite hard for me to find these videos and hence, I'm sharing it here for you and my reference as well (in case, I wanted to re-watch the documentary again):

What I liked about this documentary series is how it connects people of various disciplines such as Mathematics, Programming, Linguistics and Steganography to deduce and decipher a really complex puzzle. I just find that inspiring because knowledge is power and when aligned with people of similar interests and ambitions, you build new bridges of friendship that spans around the globe.

Hope you liked reading this article.